Thursday, October 24, 2013

D.Day 6th June 1944.

From June 5th to August 21st 2014, Normandy will be celebrating the 70th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy with due splendor and emotion. This year’s anniversary will be a time of national and international contemplation and communion.
Traditionally, annual commemorations of the Landings of June 6th 1944 have always been major events for Basse-Normandie, all the more so on the occasions of quinquennial and decennial anniversaries, where the international aspect is especially prominent.
And because this will likely be the last decennial anniversary to take place in the presence of actors in and witnesses to those momentous events, it will be a particularly special occasion; welcoming a still large number of the remaining men and women who act as guardians of this “living memory” – probably for the last time and in celebration of a great anniversary – will indeed be cause for heartfelt emotion.

The anniversary will also provide a fitting opportunity for transmission of memory and the sharing of those fundamental values for which so many young men were willing to make the supreme sacrifice: peace, freedom, brotherhood and the dignity of humankind.
Within this area where we all live were stationed thousands of Canadian and American troops, huge training grounds were set up, one of the largest being at Slonk Hill.
Together with thousands of British troops they left theses shores to fight and defeat fascism, and liberate the people of Europe and beyond. Many were slaughtered on the beaches of Normandy,but persistence won the day and the beachheads were secured, but with great loss of lives on both sides.

Take time to reflect on the 11th November this year, the many sacrifices that were made, its easy to forget.

Look at the photos of all the young men and women that gave there lives for freedom, in two great WARS.

We Forget Not.